How I Found My Car Keys

The Great Car Key Quest of March 9th, 2024, was a tumultuous journey filled with twists and turns. From the highs of exciting thrift store finds to the lows of losing my keys, the day was a roller coaster.

How I Found My Car Keys
The lost car keys (now found)

On March 9th of 2024 my friend, Josh, and I went out to get breakfast. After which, we went to a couple of thrift stores and ended up purchasing an analogue medical scale. With so much excitement we pulled up to my house to get the scale ready. Little did I know that this would be the moment disaster struck.

We went about our business, cleaning the scale, making friendship bracelets, etc. Our next plan was to go to the LEGENDARY drive-in restaurant, Corkys, which had just opened back up for the season on that Wednesday. I noticed that my car keys were not on me, however I did not think much of it as we were taking the Looney Toons Van instead of my car.

Upon coming back, we stopped by at another thrift store. This one was much bigger and unorganized and would be really hard to find something if you lost it there. Our adventure had concluded for the day. We all split up for the weekend and still I had not thought much about the keys. Although, later that night, I did think about looking for them, but decided to push the search to the next day.


A monumental factor had come into play over the night... SNOW. There was a light layer of snow on the ground that had covered up the ground. Making the search for my car keys more difficult. Despite this, I started my search for the keys on my own. I looked in my car. I looked by the tree and around the ground. I was getting to be cold and fearful as this was coming to be a much more difficult task than I had anticipated. I decided to acquire the help of my family.

We looked and looked, retraced my steps, seemingly everything in our power to find them. All hope was seeming to have been lost.

"Ethan, I have good news and bad news. I will start with the good news. We looked really really hard for your keys. The bad news is that they are lost FOREVER"

-My Sister.

Jeremy continued to search the ground. Front lawn and back lawn. The downstairs where the scale resides, was flipped upside down and right-side up from every nook and cranny. Every i was dotted and every t was crossed. There was one last hope. It was a long shot, however we needed the piece of mind.

You see, we were almost certain that the keys were on the compound because the car had made it back to the house and I had noticed them go missing before Corkys. But on that off chance that they were on my person while in the Looney Toons Van, they could still be in there. Luckily Corkys is a drive in, so there was no point in which we got out of the car (except for the large and unorganized thrift store). We had to make sure the keys were not in the Loony Toons van.

We trekked over 3 counties to reach the Loony Toons Van. Upon reaching the van, there was a man sitting on top. This had to have been a sign. He pointed to his wrist and said "I have the time". However, upon further investigation, we noticed that it was just Josh sitting on his own car. To clear our mind, Jeremy and I searched his car and possibly contracted an STD touching the floor of the van. STD or no STD, there were no keys.

Just in case some one had seen my keys somewhere in the world, I had a note on my website added that stated "IF YOU HAVE SEEN MY CAR KEYS LMK".

Knowing for sure that they were at my house, the search continued. Additionally, it is important to note that by the time we got back, the snow had melted.

My mom had a strong feeling that they were behind the front driver side wheel of my car, but disappointment haunted me, as it they were not there. However, there was a solution to this. Josh had mentioned the time upon sitting on top of his van meant time was a variable in this solution. Not in the way you might think though. If you took the time it took to get from the van to my house, you would get 40 minutes. Convert that into degrees and you get 40 degrees. We looked 40 degrees in each direction from the front driver side wheel.

Low and behold, there they were. Sitting right by the tree. I was overjoyed. I hugged my cat Henna, and life went on.

The Great Car Key Quest of March 9th, 2024, was a tumultuous journey filled with twists and turns. From the highs of exciting thrift store finds to the lows of losing my keys, the day was a roller coaster. In the end, the keys were triumphantly recovered, teaching me the importance of resilience in the face of challenges. Life goes on, and sometimes, it just takes a bit of ingenuity and a touch of luck to find what was once lost. I am wise.